Parent/Child for Four up for Auction

The Alabama Shakespeare Festival (you haven’t experienced Shakespeare if you haven’t seen his works performed with a Southern accent) is auctioning off tuition for 2 adults and 2 children to attend Parent/Child Space Camp!

The auction started at $150.00 but, as of this posting, is at $177.50. This is certainly a great deal, as such an experience would otherwise cost $700!

You can bid here.

An Interview with Zach Bergstrom

Starlog - August 1986 - ThumbnailWell, Tom Skirritt, to be more precise. But, hey, he was in the movie SpaceCamp, which we’ve all come to love…and hate…and love!

In this August 1986 issue of Starlog magazine, Tom Skirritt is interviewed about his part in SpaceCamp:

“Yeah, it wasn’t a real exciting part, but there are many reasons for doing a movie. Certainly, you have to make a living,” he remarks. “There are three things I look at–the part, the movie and the money. In this case, I liked the movie as a whole, and the money was good.”

You just can’t get that sort of candor from actors about their films these days!

It’s a reasonably funny read. Enjoy!

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Space Camp Discounts Pending

Word on the vine is that discounts will be introduced soon for six-day camps. If you’ve been thinking about registering soon for 2005, you might want to wait a few weeks.

Though I don’t have any details about what kind of discounts will be offered, something is better than nothing.

If you were hoping for discounts on the 13-day programs, well, dare to dream! It seems as if reservations for the 13-day have already exceeded expectations and thus no discount will be offered. Further, you should probably not wait too long to register for a 13-day session, or you may find yourself at camp for only six days instead!

Saturn V gets a Nod in Washington Post

An article, Retro Rocket, was published in today’s Washington Post. The article discusses how the Saturn Vs in Houston and Huntsville are beginning the first stages of reconditioning much like the work the Saturn V in Florida received.

This story was linked to on the front page of Slashdot this morning, and it even included a link to the USSRCs Save the Saturn V page! With the large number of eyeballs Slashdot receives every day, one can only hope it will translate into more donations for the USSRC Saturn V.

I made my donation today! Have you?!

Again, for some idea of just what it took to restore the Saturn V in Florida so you can better appreciate where the money is going to go, you can read the article from Air & Space Magazine.

Air & Space Magazine – HabFiles Update

Air & Space Magazine - June-July 1992 - ThumbnailI’ve updated the HabFiles section of the site with an article from the June/July 1992 issue of Smithsonian Air & Space Magazine!

It’s a pretty good article, rife with pictures and mentions of early 1990s Space Camp.

All campers in the eight-day version, “U.S. Space Academy Level II,” cap off their experience with a 12-hour simulated shuttle mission…”

And yet, other things seem not quite so early 1990s Space Camp:

As I was leaving the training center, I ran into Tony Vitelli and congratulated him on completing the mission. Vitelli nodded his head once and stuck up his thumb.

Do enjoy this one!

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HabForum Addition – New Special Rank: Counselor

I thought it would be a good idea to add a special rank to easily identify members of the HabForum who are currently or have in the past had the delightful distinction and honor of being counselors at Space Camp and Aviation Challenge.

This will make it easy for anyone with questions for counselors find someone to talk to, as well as distinguish their comments on the board as coming from the perspective of having worked at Space Camp.

They’ll be easy to spot, because instead of the usual ranks like Junior Camper, Camper, etc., they’ll have “Counselor” with a pair of gold counselor wings which look like HabForum Counselor Wings

To this end, when you register in the HabForum and you have worked at Space Camp before, please let me know so that I can apply this special rank to you here. If you have been a counselor and already have an account and you see that the change has not been made to your account, please let me know. If you see that someone’s account who you know was a counselor has not been updated, please also let me know.

I do hope this addition is a welcome one.

eBay Auction: Christa McAuliffe and Space Camp

I don’t often mention eBay auctions here, mostly because I want to acquire things as cheaply as possible!

But there is quite an exceptional auction right now. It is from the collection of Gary Beadel, a teacher who was an one of the alternates for the ill-fated 51L.

Among the items are an old Space Camp flight suit (they all attended Space Camp) with the old patches as well as chilling photos taken by Gary on the day of the launch.

The auction has three days left on it, so I suggest you don’t delay to see these remarkable photos. Of course, at $500.00, it might not sell the first time around, so if the auction relists, I’ll be sure to update the link.

Update: The auction didn’t sell, but the pictures are still up. Go take a look!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, everyone!

I hope 2004 was as good for you was it was for me. Of course, that might not be possible! After all, I got to spend a fourth of the year working at Space Camp!

Regardless, here’s to hoping 2005 goes even better for all of us!

To that end, there was an article published in the Huntsville Times a few days ago worth looking at. It gives some insight into the Space Center’s future plans regarding many things, including Space Camp (and possible new programs).

The article is here if you want to read it.

Also, it would seem as if the drive for “Save the Saturn V” license plates is going somewhat well. They’re halfway to the needed 1,000 orders before they can be produced. But they need all of the orders before January 31 or they have to start the process of getting state legislation passed for the plates all over again. If I was a resident of Alabama, I’d certainly be ordering one!

Again, Happy New Year to you all! And especially those at Space Camp right now for Christmas Camp!

It Belongs in the Brochure

I wanted to share with everyone a photo my friend and fellow counselor this summer Stasia took of the ever popular rocket launch!

I for one think they need this photo (or one just like it) in the 2006 brochure (hint, hint).

Regardless, it sure is fun to look at!

Great SC Rocket Launch Photo

AC 8-Day Christmas Camp Cancelled

AC Logo with a Santa HatIt would appear that Aviation Challenge 8-day Christmas camp is going to be/has been cancelled due to attendance being below desired numbers. It’s a shame, to be sure.

Hopefully, those who were signed up will elect/be able to go to 8-day Advanced Academy or the regular Mach III session instead.