More from Turkey

In addition to Space Camp Turkey looking for two more counselors, our very own Matthew Danner has updated his blog twice since I last mentioned it.

Space Camp Turkey LogoGo have a look (especially if you’re thinking about joining the ranks as a counselor at Space Camp Turkey)!

From his most recent update:

A lot has happened since I last wrote. I have finished training and received my first team last week. It was a two day program called OSA, Outer Space Adventure I think. They were a GREAT group of kids and so much fun. It was really odd being on the other side of things, being the counselor instead of the camper, but was really fun.

Space Camp Turkey Needs YOU

Space Camp Turkey is still in need of two counselors: one female and one male. It’s not too late to work with a lot of great people at Space Camp and possibly influence the lives of great campers throughout the world!

Space Camp Turkey LogoIf you’re interested, you should get in contact with Beth Mitchell immediately!

For some more information, you can read the job advert and see the official job description.

And if you’re considering it but are unsure of traveling all the way to Turkey, do yourself a favor and watch this video about Space Camp Turkey!

HabFiles Update – Starlog ’86

Starlog - July 1986 - Page ThumbnailI’ve updated the HabFiles Section with another issue of Starlog Magazine. This issue is from July of 1986 and features not one but two Space Camp articles!

The first article is an account of a trip to Space Camp. It even has some (bad) photos of the old TCF!

The second article is about the movie, SpaceCamp. Enjoy!

Continue reading

Summer in Space (Camp Turkey)

Another busy summer season is soon to kick off at Space Camp in Huntsville! And as many new counselors currently undergo training there, others are in training at a different Space Camp. Space Camp Turkey is also gearing up for its Summer season.

Among the new hires at Space Camp Turkey is our very own Matthew Danner who has made the intrepid voyage to Space Camp Turkey to be a Space Camp counselor for the summer!

As such an adventure surely requires, Matthew has created a blog to chronicle his adventures.

Already in Turkey, Matthew has updated both his own blog as well as all of us in the HabForum!

From his most recent post:

The luggage was a couple hours behind us, but at least it got here! Everything here is really cool and everyone is amazingly nice. The kids are hilarious and treat us like celebrities asking for us to sign their hats and get in pictures with them. They are really fun. They are trying so hard to speak English!

Have a great summer, Matthew! And be sure to keep us all up-to-date as your summer progresses!

Spring Cleaning Time

Though the weather where I’m at may currently be wonderful for November, it is indeed spring. And because it is spring, I thought I should do a little cleaning.

Specifically, I’m going to remove any HabForum accounts which have not been activated on May 1. I understand that occasionally activation emails do not make it to their destination, so if you want to activate your account but have deleted or never got your activation email, send me an email with your username and I’ll activate your account.

Additionally, I am considering removing accounts which have never posted, so if you’ve registered for and activated your account, but have yet to post anything, why not stop in and say hello?

Finally, if your email address has changed since you registered, why not update it?

A Time for Courage, a Time to Move on…

Four years ago, I founded this website as a place for Space Campers–past, present, and future ones–to have a place to call their own on the internet.

And while running this site and meeting so many of its visitors over the years has been an incredibly rewarding experience, having attended five sessions of U.S. Space Camp programs, as well worked as a counselor over an entire summer, I feel I have nothing left to accomplish with what has been such a wonderful experience.

Though truly a great thing in this world, Space Camp has, over the years, gone from one of my interests to a true obsession. Reflecting upon this and my achievements at/for Space Camp, I have decided to bring to its end.

This is a decision I have not come to lightly, but the time and financial obligations have steadily risen recent years, and I no longer have the energy to put into this site what it takes to make a site great enough to properly reflect how incredible Space Camp is.

So while my server bills are paid up until the end of this month, afterwards, it will be time to say goodbye.

Thank you all again! Your frequent visits and posts in the HabForum have meant a great deal to me these past four years.


Vincent J. Vazzo

Various Updates

Hello, one and all! There are a few loose ends that have been tied up recently regarding Space Camp, so I thought I’d post here to share them!

First, the drive to reach 1,000 orders for the Saturn V license plates has been successful! They sold well over the 1,000 plates needed to start production before the January 31, 2005 deadline was reached! Awesome! To learn a little more about the efforts, the Chicago Tribune recently had an article worth reading.

The longstanding litigation efforts between the Space Center, State of Alabama, and former CEO, Mike Wing, have reached a settlement. Though some may or may not be pleased with the settlement amount, it’s nice that everyone involved can finally put this behind them.

Also, The U.S. Space & Rocket Center has decided to partner with Kensington Entertainment to launch a study as to how to successfully expand the Space Center and attractions. Exciting times are still to come!

Finally, Space Camp Turkey is still looking for counselors. If you want to have an international Space Camp adventure as a Space Camp counselor this summer, this is a terrific opportunity!

SC & AC Buddy Discount

Space Camp is offering a huge discount for those who have not yet registered for a 2005 session of Space Camp, Space Academy, Mach I, and Mach II (6 day camps, ages 9 to 14).

If you and a buddy register to go to one of the listed programs together, you’ll each save $250 off the price of tuition.

It’s certainly a great deal! And though you’ll no doubt make a lot of new friends when you attend Space Camp or Aviation Challenge, you’ll have one already with you, too!

Unfortunately, this one won’t apply to Mach III & ASA campers, but it’s a great deal nonetheless!