CBS Early Show Segment Online

In the event that you missed the airing of the Space Camp segment on “The Early Show” on CBS, they have it posted online!

You can view the adorable segment here (it’s under “Multimedia” on the right side).

Congratulations to Kate and Phil for making national TV! Sort of a neat perk of the job, in a way, eh?!

USSRC makes CBS. Twice.

You’re going to have two opportunities to see the Space & Rocket Center on television!

First, contestants of the show, “The Amazing Race,” stopped by the USSRC to film segments of the contestants in the museum, Rocket Park, and Aviation Challenge.

Details can be read here and here.

From the Huntsville Times:

Between midnight and 4 a.m., one by one, a fleet of eight to 10 GMC Yukons rolled out of the parking lot and sloshed down Interstate 565, got off at exit 15 and headed toward the U.S. Space & Rocket Center.

Motorists driving by on the interstate had no idea they were passing celebrities – members of the eighth installment of the CBS reality series “The Amazing Race.”

Also, to be aired the week after this one, is a segment on “The Early Show.” One of the anchors attended Pilot/Copilot Aviation Challenge, and a news crew was on hand to cover it.

From the article:

“All those memories came crashing back to me” during a day at U.S. Space Camp at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center on Saturday said Syler, who was in town to attend the Parent/Child Aviation Challenge with her son, Cole Parham, 7.

The two were having a regular Space Camp experience, except for the video crew and television producer following them. The footage will be used for a program on Syler’s trip to Space Camp to be broadcast the week of July 25.

Syler’s co-anchors, Harry Smith, Hannah Storm and Julie Chen, and weatherman Dave Price will each attend a summer camp for a series called “The Early Show Goes to Camp.”

This is certainly great exposure for Space Camp, Aviation Challenge, and the USSRC!

“Space Camp” Required to Change Name

The band, not the camp!

I’ve been wondering about this one for a while, myself. It seems Space Camp (the camp, not the band) finally got around to saying something about it!

From the band’s website:

This is the home page of the band formerly known as Space Camp. Sadly, the band is being forced to change its’ [sic] name by Space Camp in Alabama, (you know, where the kids go to be astronauts…). This week, the band recieved [sic] a letter demanding we make this change. Since we are good natured most of the time and don’t want to rattle the cages of the United States Space Camp, we will be renaming the group. What’s really in a name anyway? All of our current tour dates remain current, but will not be played under the handle “Space Camp.”

So there you have it.

Welcome to the New

If you’re here, that must mean that is now pointing to its new home!

Either that, or you just got here (for the time being) by going to

Either way, welcome! I even think I got all of the bugs worked out! How about that?!



Still from USSRC Web CamIt seems as if the USSRC has installed a web cam in Rocket Park! And it’s a pretty good one, at that!

The thing updates in real time so you can even see visitors and campers touring the park!

Additionally, they are in the process of moving the Saturn V for restoration…check out the crane!

More Turkey, Please

Space Camp Turkey LogoMatthew Danner has again updated his blog detailing more adventures from Space Camp Turkey!

Go take a look.

From his most recent update:

Three new counselors have arrived: Connie, Jon and Audrey. Connie arrived a little over a week ago, Audrey arrived this week and Jon just arrived today. Connie is from California, Jon is from Canada and Audrey is from California. Audrey and Connie are former Space Camp California Counselors.

USSRC 2004 Annual Report Published

USSRC 2004 Financial InformationThe Space & Rocket Center has had posted online their 2004 annual report.

It’s pretty interesting, so I wanted to make sure everyone who came by here had the opportunity to view it. It has some pretty interesting data. Revenue reports, expenses, etc. It also contains a mention of parties from Germany, Mexico, Australia, Malaysia, and Korea interested in becoming Space Camp licensees!

Additionally, scattered throughout the report are blurbs on great alumni doing great things. Included among them, of course, is our first astronaut alumnus, Dottie Metcalf-Lindenburger!