Good Luck, Soon-to-be Counselors

A fresh new crop of counselor trainees start their training tomorrow at Space Camp.

I just want to wish you luck as they start a great new adventure! Pretty soon, it will be your job to inspire Space Campers from around the world and try to instill in them a sense of wonder and adventure for the exploration of space.

It’s a great job.

Good luck!

Downtime will be unavailable on January 16, 2006 between the hours of 2am and 8am EST.

Just a heads up. If you’re trying to get a Space Camp fix well into the wee hours of the 16th, don’t panic if you can’t reach this site!

Speaking of Turkey…

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Shiny Space Camp Turkey LogoAnd, since it is Turkey Time, I thought I would mention that Space Camp Turkey is also looking for employees for the 2006 Summer season.

So give the advert a perusal and think about applying for the job. I’m sure they’d love to have you as a member of Space Camp Turkey!

And you’ll be in good company there! For one, Mdanner423 from the HabForum did it last Summer and he enjoyed it so much, he may very well be back this coming Summer!


I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that live views of Rocket Park can be seen from the Saturn V Cam.

I would also like to ask that someone with access to the camera refocus it, wipe the lens, and/or etc. Many months of weather have no doubt caused the image to become less crisp.

Here’s what it currently looks like:

Fuzzy Saturn V Camera View

Here’s what it should look like:

Focused Saturn V Camera View

Update: Thanks for fixing it! It now looks sharp and clear!

Needed: (More than) a few Good Men and Women

Space Camp is currently hiring for the spring 2006 season. In fact, they’re looking to hire as many as 100 new counselors to start training January 16, 2006!

Become one of the few, the proud! Become a Space Camp counselor, and get paid to play (essentially)!

Details and the paper work can be found at Space Camp HR’s website.

And with the new pay structure, you’ll pocket even more of that “Mad Phat Space Camp Money” (pardon me).

New Counselor Pay Structures from Space Camp

If you’ve even been unhappy with Space Camp’s pay for its counselors, or wanted to work a Summer as a Space Camp counselor, but weren’t sure if financially it would work out well for you, well, this might be just the thing you’ve been waiting for: Better pay, more opportunities!

Here’s the breakdown:

Counselor I

Pay: $7.25/hr base pay

Requirements: Must be high school graduate and at least 18 years old.

1 week of training

Shifts: morning, afternoon, evening, Saturday and/or Sunday – all day

Trained in: Astrotrek Simulators, Museum simulators and Aerospace Support or Museum Guide and Outpost in Space

Counselor II

Pay: $8/hr base pay, $0.25/hr increase to base for each certification (briefing staff/scheduling staff/robotics track/aviation track/Advance Academy and/or Mach III/Corporate, 8-day or 13-day programs)

2 weeks of training

Shifts: Day shift (7-3), Night shift (3-11), Weekend shift:  Friday & Saturday (7a-11p) and Sunday (7-3)

Requirements: Must have 2 years of college

Trained in: Space Camp/AC team leader, TCF or AC simulations, and museum simulators

Counselor III

Pay: $9/hr base pay + $.25/hr increase to base for each certification (briefing staff/scheduling staff/robotics track/aviation track/Advance Academy and/or Mach III/Corporate, 8-day or 13-day programs)

3-4 weeks of training

MUST HAVE OPEN AVAILABILITY (able to work any shift)
Must have 2 years of college

Trained in: Space Camp/AC team leader, weekend program team leader, TCF or AC Simulations and museum simulators

Amazing Race Space Camp Episode Wrap-Up

So the episode of the Amazing Race filmed this past Summer at Space Camp has come and gone.

It’s always fun to get a look at the place on national television! You’re very photogenic, Space Camp!

A thorough write-up of the episode can be found at this website if you weren’t able to catch the episode when it aired:

The remaining four teams are now on the second bus (the Aiellos, missing the point, think they beat the Weavers; no, you’re tied) to the mystery location, which turns out to be Huntsville, Alabama. The clue upon arriving directs them to the U.S. Space and Rocket Center. Luckily this proves easy to find, being as there’s a giant rocket sticking up into the sky at it.

Amazing Race Space Camp Episode Wrap-Up

So the episode of the Amazing Race filmed this past summer at Space Camp has come and gone.

It’s always fun to get a look at the place on national television! You’re very photogenic, Space Camp!

A thorough write-up of the episode can be found at this website if you weren’t able to catch the episode when it aired:

The remaining four teams are now on the second bus (the Aiellos, missing the point, think they beat the Weavers; no, you’re tied) to the mystery location, which turns out to be Huntsville, Alabama. The clue upon arriving directs them to the U.S. Space and Rocket Center. Luckily this proves easy to find, being as there’s a giant rocket sticking up into the sky at it.

I Need A Job (Besides this Great One, of course)

I hope that most visitors will please pardon this post, as it has nothing to do with Space Camp, Aviation Challenge, or the U.S. Space & Rocket Center.

I wasn’t going to make this post here, but then I figured what’s the point of having a well-trafficked site if I’m not going to take advantage of it at least once in a while (the Katrina-related Humane Society ad being the other occasion).

Okay, here goes:

December is rapidly approaching and I will be graduating from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with a shiny degree in Computer Engineering.

And so it goes that I am going to be in need of a job. If you’re in need of a good engineer, who could be better to work with then a fellow Space Camp alumnus?! And I’ve got an extensive skill-set, to boot!

Please feel free to drop me an email (my first name @ this domain) and I’ll get my resume to you, post haste.