25th Anniversary Planning Underway

Space Camp 25th Anniversary LogoSpace Camp’s 25th anniversary is next year! The big quarter-century mark!

And to celebrate, they’re making some big plans!

You can visit the 25th Anniversary Site to see what they’re kicking around so far, including alumni reunion dates!

Also, be sure to register as an alumnus to make your interest known and let Space Camp know what you’ve been up to.

And I’ll be sure to report more details as I learn them.

Mike Wing Pleads Guilty to Fraud

Well, he was arrested a little while ago, and now former USSRC CEO Mike Wing has pleaded guilty to wire fraud in Texas. Do they execute for wire fraud in Texas?

You can read an article here.

From the article:

At the time of Wing’s ouster in 1999, space center officials said they had not known when they hired him that he had been barred from selling franchises in Arizona for a market research company due to misrepresentations. Wing disputed that account and told the Times he had never been accused of wrongdoing.


New Space Camp Site Coming?

If you haven’t noticed lately, there is now only one way to enter the Space Camp site from spacecamp.com instead of both the HTML and Flash options that one used to be presented with (though the flash version is still available if you go here).

Also, if you’ve been really paying attention, you’ll notice that some pages don’t match the look and feel of the current website.

Finally, to fuel the fire that a redesign is in the works, I recommend you check this out. The domain, hattin1187.info, was registered to Space Camp on March 8 of this year by John Goglick (notice that it’s an @spacecamp.com address)! Though I’m not sure what the significance of “hattin1187” is.

Interesting, indeed!

Beyond the Stars

So I’m watching this cheesy movie from 1989 called “Beyond the Stars.” It’s a movie where Christian Slater wants to be an astronaut, and throughout the movie they keep talking about NASA and what not, but they keep mentioning Huntsville.

Later in the film, they go to MSFC and The Space & Rocket Center!

Martin Sheen: I was on my way to Huntsville, Alabama so I called your dad and asked if could stop by and ask if I could take you with me. If you want to go.

Christian Slater: Where? NASA? To the Space & Rocket Center?

They’re everywhere too! They show the museum: Casper, the LEM model, Saturn V, etc. They climb around Space Camp simulators (even the UAT! No Space Camp logo was shown though)!

Worth checking out, if only for a “Hey! I’ve been there!” moment!


I recently added an item to my collection of Space Camp memorabilia (yes, I collect this stuff) and it’s a good one!

I just got a 1986 Space Camp Program Guide!
Cover of 1986 Space Camp Brochure
Space Camp has a 1985 one, but they don’t have, to the best of my knowledge, one from 1986!

Update: Actually, I should read my own website. As seen during my trip for Space Camp’s 20th, they do indeed have a 1986 copy (2nd photo…it’s sticking out from under a newspaper clipping)! To the best of my knowledge (really this time), they have a 1985 and 1993 that I don’t, but I have a 1987 (two, I think) and a 1992 which they don’t!

…Now if only I could get a 1985 guide (and an ’84 guide and…)!