Alumni Andi Revealed

I’m so late on this one, but thought it was still definitely worth mentioning.

Charity Nehls was recently revealed as the one who has been putting the effort into the myspace page. Along with that site, she along with many others have been preparing for the 25th anniversary celebration.

I’m sure it’s going to be one great time. And she hopes (like I hope) to see everyone there!

Alumni Andi is you and me, but pull back the curtain and there is Charity Nehls doing all the work for our cause: this site, this anniversary, for each of us. She works in Planning and Logistics at the USSRC making all the schedules and duty rosters, so that camp will run well. She is a 3 time alumni, Right Stuff recipient, and lover of Space Camp!

Charity Nehls is Alumni Andi
Update: It has come to my attention from this recent blog post that Charity Nehls may not have been happy with my choice of photo.  While I felt that she looked perfectly lovely in the photo I chose to post, I will admit that it is a few years old.  And if I were luckily enough to be someone who happens to grow more beautiful as time goes on, I too might be upset.  So this is understandable.  In the interests of good diplomacy, I have replaced the photo circa 2004 with the more patriotic one as presented in the blog.  😉

Holiday Discount

I received a post card in the mail the other day from Space Camp.

They’re offering $100 off of tuition and a free flight suit or clothing pack!  That’s a fine deal on its own, but seeing as discounts have been fewer in number lately, you should jump on it if you’re planning on going next Summer!  Naturally, this offer is not good on a few camps, including Adult ASA.  Not that I dwell on that!

And a trip to Space Camp or Aviation Challenge makes for an excellent Christmas present!

This offer expires on January 2, 2007.

2006 Holiday Discount Postcard

Where Discovery Goes, so Goes Space Camp

25th Anniversary Flown FlagDiscovery launched on Saturday night and up with it went 249 Space Camp 25th Anniversary Flags.

This is the first time something specific to Space Camp has flown in a large quantity. This is just one sign that the mothership will put on a big show next summer.

They sure are shiny!

Alumni Andi to be Revealed

So there seems to be some mystery surrounding the identy of Alumni Andi and her MySpace alumni page.

Space Camp Alumni AndiApparently once 200 people add her as a friend, all will be revealed.  In the meantime, a photo is to be released (I can only guess it will be shot from afar or something).

So I am going to post a picture of myself tomorrow. Since I will be passing through Huntsville, where would the group like to see me at?

Regardless, head on over, either to add a new MySpace friend or to suggest where the photo should be taken from!

Astronauts at SCT

Shiny Space Camp Turkey LogoWhile Space Camp periodically has an astronaut or two drop by for a visit, Space Camp Turkey has seen its share of astronauts as well.

Cosmonaut Dorin Prunariu and astronaut Shannon Lucid made appearances this past August and, most recently, astronaut Steve Lindsey stopped by for a visit.

He won’t be the last though.  Space Camp Turkey will be seeing more visits from the space-faring portion of our population next year!

MySpace Redux

Space Camp Alumni AndiEven if you don’t want to sign up for a MySpace account, I would like to stress that you should definitely go check out the Space Camp “Alumni Andy” page!

The blog is an especially good read (and not just because this site was mentioned)!

In it are some very good details (with many more to come, I’m sure, so keep reading) including:

Space Camp has registered to reach out to alumni (it’s about time…they have a start, at least).

Also, there’s a sweepstakes you can enter to get a free trip to camp (or a shiny 25th anniversary silicone bracelet, at the very least).

But you’ll have to visit the blog for that link!

“A Smile as Big as the Moon” Movie News

After years of being a possibility, the book that Jerry Bruckheimer’s production company optioned looks like it’s finally going to be made into a  major motion picture!

Details are scant for now, other than a working title of “Einstein’s Children.”

I very much hope that it’s still going to be at Space Camp and that they won’t change it to some generic science camp for the movie.

Updates: I’m way Behind

Wow, it’s amazing how fast time flies when one is at work for 5-7 days per week!

Things have finally settled down and boy have I missed some things!

First, I’ve made links in the Programs section to the write-ups that SpaceCanada has been so kinds to do thus far!  I think they provide great overviews of the programs for those that haven’t yet had the privilege of going to Space Camp!

I thank her very much for these fine contributions to this site!

Also,  the rumors were true: Space Camp has redesigned their website.  Personally, I think the old version was a bit shinier, but this one is nice too.