Before We Get Too Far Out

Space Camp Hall of Fame 2008 LogoWe’re just north of a week now since the 2nd annual Space Camp Hall of Fame happened. Whew! Time moves fast!

Before we get too far away from that momentous evening, I want to make sure I cover a few things:

First, thanks again to everyone at the Space & Rocket Center that did such a wonderful job putting on a fantastic show. I some of you worked on almost nothing else for months straight and it showed. My family, who would have been quick to criticize, thought it was an absolutely first-class operation and they had a great time!

I want to thank Al Whitaker and his media guys as the introduction videos they put together were very well done. The scripts were well written and the materials well utilized. I was very impressed with all of them.

Holley Gautney was my primary point of contact for all Hall-of-Fame related questions, comments, and issues. She was always prompt with responses and very helpful. Thanks for all of the help!

My fellow inductees…you’re all class acts and I’m truly proud to have been part of that evening with you all.

Again, I think it was great that they broadcast it on the internet. But given the short notice with which they did it, a lot of people probably didn’t get to see it that otherwise would have loved to have watched!

Given that, I hope the whole think will be made available shortly. Even more importantly, since not everyone will want to sit and watch the while thing from start to finish, I hope that Space Camp cuts it up and puts all of the clips on their YouTube page for quick and easy browsing.

Like I said above, the introduction videos were all so well done, and everyone gave great speeches (well, the others did, anyway). But I can’t say I remember a great deal of them at this point. Between the lack of sleep that weekend and the general anxiety of the evening, I really only remember bits and pieces. I don’t even remember what I said (though that might be a good thing)! It would be nice to be able to pull the clips up.

…From last year too.

ISC Starts Off Well this Morning

ISC kicked off this morning for America’s Teachers of the Year as well as the international teachers with a presentation by Christa McAuliffe’s mother, Grace Corrigan.

Grace is an absolutely wonderful lady who continually does her daughter’s memory proud by speaking to groups around the country about her daughter and what she strived for as both a teacher and an astronaut.

It was absolutely wonderful to hear her speak.  Grace was also kind enough to autograph for the teachers copies of one of her books, A Journal for Christa: Christa McAuliffe, Teacher in Space.

Grace Corrigan at ISC 2008

But that was just in the morning.  Later that day, during lunch, the teachers were able to hear five-time shuttle astronaut Robert “Hoot” Gibson speak about both his early days flying jets off of aircraft carriers in the Navy as well as each of his missions in space.

Hoot is a real upstanding guy, personable and easy going.  It’s really great how often he comes down to Space Camp to speak to both kids and adults alike.

Hoot Gibson at ISC 2008

And all of this excitement at International Space Camp 2008 before the opening ceremony!

It will no doubt be quite a week for everyone involved!

ISC 2008 Starts this Weekend!

International Space Camp LogoAfter last weekend’s events, there’s no rest of the possibly weary staff of the Space Center. They worked really hard to make sure last weekend’s festivities were fantastic and they’re no doubt working just as hard to make sure that the 2008 International Space Camp opening ceremony goes off without a hitch this Saturday, July 26 at 5pm.

The International Space Camp Opening Ceremony has to be, by far, one of my most favorite things.

Last year, the opening ceremony was held in the Educator Training Facility. I imagine it will either be there again this year or, perhaps more likely, in the Davidson Center. If it’s the latter, I can’t imagine them not letting the public attend as there’s more than enough room to accommodate everyone that would show. If it isn’t open to the public, sneak in (just kidding).

Worry not though, just like last year, I plan to be on hand to get as much video as possible. And, just like last year, I’ll be posting my favorite presentations right here!

Expedition Crew Members Visit

Some very lucky Space Academy trainees were able to go to Marshall Space Flight Center today to see a few Expedition 15 and Expedition 16 crew members.

Flight Engineer Clayton Anderson, Flight Engineer Daniel Tani, and Expedition 16 Commander Peggy Whitson were kind enough to spend some time with some of the trainees from Space Academy this week as well as some eager NASA-folk! A few of the Space Camp for Educator counselors snuck over to MSFC as well!

The crew brought along a highlight reel of their mission and took questions and, after the show was over, they were kind enough to stick around and sign autographs!

Expedition 15 and 16 Crew Members Visit MSFC

HoF Ceremony will be Broadcast on the Internet

I just got back from the 5th Annual Saturn/Apollo Reunion and Larry Capps, CEO of the U.S. Space and Rocket Center, mentioned briefly that, unbeknownst to me, the Second Annual Space Camp Hall of Fame Ceremony will be broadcast over the internet from Space Camp’s website.

According to the announcement on the Space Camp homepage, you’ll need only point your web browsers to to see the ceremony live beginning at 7:00pm Central Daylight Time on Saturday. Please note that the link is dead as of the time of this writing, but check back. And if it’s still not up by 7pm tomorrow, check the Space Camp homepage to see if they’ve moved it to somewhere else.

This is fantastic! Now I not only have to worry about speaking in front of the audience in the room, but also the internet at large!

Seriously though, it’s bound to be an exciting evening and you’ll get to watch astronauts Jim Halsell and Hoot Gibson speak!

This is a truly marvelous thing Space Camp has done. If there was any criticism to be made of the first Space Camp Hall of Fame ceremony, it’s that, given its high ticket price and black tie nature, it was too exclusive and exclusionary.

But this year quite literally everyone that wants to see the show should be able to!

Well done, indeed.

Now if only I had a speech prepared!

Space Camp Barbie 2.0 Launches Tomorrow

You may have noticed the Space Camp Barbie countdown on Space Camp’s website.

Space Camp has once again partnered with Mattel to produce a Space Camp Barbie doll.

Though the new Barbie was supposed to be launched at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center on July 4, as it turns out, she and Ken were having such a good time on vacation in China that they extended their stay a bit!

Nevertheless, Space Camp Barbie 2.0 will be available at the Space Center beginning tomorrow at 10:00am!

This new Space Camp Barbie has some pretty big shoes to fill as the old Space Camp Barbie has already rubbed shoulders with some of NASAs finest!

Photos of some of her recent adventures are posted below!

Space Camp Barbie with a Patch

Space Camp Barbie with Hab1 Patch

Space Camp Barbie with Guenter Wendt

Space Camp Barbie with Guenter Wendt

Space Camp Barbie with astronaut Bob Springer

Space Camp Barbie with Bob Springer

Space Camp Barbie with STS-1 Pilot, Robert Crippen

Space Camp Barbie with Robert Crippen

Space Camp Barbie with astronaut Robert “Hoot” Gibson

Space Camp Barbie with Hoot Gibson

Space Camp Barbie hanging out with Blair between takes for NASA Edge. She looks ready for her close-up!

Space Camp Barbie with Blair from NASA Edge

Space Camp Barbie hanging out, watching SpaceCamp.

Space Camp Barbie with SpaceCamp DVD

Thanks to Sarah R. for being Space Camp Barbie’s skillful handler.

Space Camp on Penn & Teller’s Show

The US Space & Rocket Center and Space Camp are featured on this week’s episode of Penn & Teller’s show, Bull…something!

Now, if you’ve ever seen the show, you’ll know that they mercilessly attack whatever the topic of the week is.

This week the show is about NASA.

But, being huge fans of America’s space program, Penn & Teller go pretty easy on NASA and, thankfully, on Space Camp.

Worth noting is that the USSRCs media guy Al Whitiker makes an appearance as does Space Camp manager Brandy Hulsey! They both did a terrific job on what has to be the most difficult show in the world to be on when you’re not on the show’s side. Great job, you two!

Also worth noting was that Penn & Teller were in Space Camp flight suits! Too funny!

And I think it was actually a positive plug for Space Camp and the Space and Rocket Center! No small feat on a show called, well, you know!

It will be airing through July 7th on Showtime, and you can go here to see the exact schedule.

A preview can be seen here.

Space Camp – 1 Tuition on eBay

If you’re in the Huntsville, AL area and are thinking of sending your child to Space Camp (specifically Space Camp as non of the other programs are eligible, it would seem), you might be able to get the trip for your kid at a cheaper rate than the standard $999.00.

There’s currently an auction going on eBay for one tuition to Space Camp. Even better, all proceeds go to charity.

The only caveat is that you have to pay for the auction in person in Huntsville (details are in the auction listing. As always, make sure you know what you’re bidding on before placing a bid).

The trip to camp must be used sometime during this summer.

Also, when deciding how much you’d like to bid, don’t forget that you might qualify for the $300 discount, making this auction worth only $699.00. But it’s all for charity, so who can put a price on it, really (though I pretty much just did in this post).