Bold They Rise

Bold They Rise Book Cover There’s a new book just out about the development of the Space Transportation System and the very early years of the Space Shuttle Program.

The book, Bold They Rise, is the culmination of years of research from authors David Hitt and Heather R. Smith.

The book itself is part of the “Outward Odyssey” series of space books from book publisher, University of Nebraska Press.  A previous installment to the series, Homesteading Space, detailing the development of the Skylab program and its missions, was also written David Hitt, along with Skylab Astronauts Owen Garriott and Joe Kerwin.

To celebrate the launch of their new book, David and Heather were joined this past weekend at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center by husband and wife Astronaut-duo Dr. Rhea Seddon and Robert “Hoot” Gibson to discuss the contents of the book as well as the pair’s time in the Astronaut Corps.

Afterwards, a book singing was held for those in attendance.

The book itself is available from Amazon, amongst other places.  And if you swing by the Space Center to pick one up, you might just find one of the several extra copies the four signed after the presentation.

The entire presentation, including a Q&A session at the end, is available over on the Hab1 YouTube page.

Don’t forget to pick up a copy of Bold They Rise, if you are so inclined!


Bold They Rise Flyer

Today is the First Day of the Rest of Your Summer

Yesterday, I had the privilege of attending the graduation ceremony for this year’s crop of summer counselors!

In all, 50-some new crew trainers have earned their wings!

And today is the first day they are full-fledged Crew Trainers!

2014 Summer Counselor Grad Wings

This summer’s training session saw crew trainers for nearly all programs.  Here are the new crew trainers for Aviation Challenge and the ropes course.

2014 Summer Counselors - AC and Ropes

And new Space Camp, Advanced Space Academy, and Robotics crew trainers as well:

2014 Summer Counselors - Space Camp, ASA, and Robotics

The Robotics crew trainers will be all the more visible at Space Camp thanks to their spiffy new lab coats.

2014 Summer Counselors - Robotics Grads

Congratulations to everyone!

I hope this summer brings nothing but fantastic new experiences, friends, and adventures!

Tweet-Up, Meet-Up

Aviation Challenge LogoSpace Camp will once again be hosting a Tweet-Up!

Interested?  Head on over to and apply!

If chosen, you’ll get to make your way to the Space & Rocket Center for a day of Aviation Challenge activities, guest speakers, and 15 new friends!

Registration is open from now until May 26.

Don’t miss this excellent opportunity to experience a wonderful sampling of what Aviation Challenge has to offer!

King of the (Space) Nerds

Kayla LaFrance - King of the NerdsIf you watched the conclusion of season two of the TBS show King of the Nerds this past March, you will have seen contestant Kayla LaFrance bestowed the title, “King of the Nerds!”

Kayla has many ties to Space Camp, being both an alumna and former counselor!  She’s even a member of the HabForum!

Besides the title, she also took home the $100,000 prize money!  Not bad for spending six weeks in place called “Nerdvana!”

And you could be next!  They are currently looking to cast a third season, and TBS is very specifically looking to have another passionate space nerd on the show!

And I’m really happy to hear that!  While all nerdly pursuits are excellent in their own right,  space is one of those that has positive real world benefits for the good of all of us, helping turn another great nerdly pursuit–Science Fiction–into Science fact!

To that end, if you’re passionate about space, are between the ages of 18 and 30, and would be available for up to six weeks beginning this July, drop a line to [email protected] with your name, phone number, and a brief summary about why you should be selected.  Be sure to place importance on all the good space-related activities you’ve been up to!  You can also check things out on twitter @KOTNcasting.

Huntsville, We Have a Shuttle Trainer!

Space Camp Shuttle Training Aircraft Indiegogo Campaign LogoWith 28 hours left, the U.S. Space & Rocket Center has hit its $70,000 funding goal on the STA Indiegogo campaign!

With $69,070 raised, an anonymous contributor made a $1,000 donation to get the campaign across the finish line!

But just because the original goal has been met, don’t believe for one moment that there’s no point in contributing!  Any money above and beyond the $70,000 can be used to help fund further development of the STA display.

There’s still time left to help!

A lot of people have great reason to celebrate!  $70,000 in fewer than 60 days is certainly no small feat!

No doubt Trevor Daniels, the campaign manager, and Charity Stewart, the USSRC’s Social Media Manager, must be feeling particularly gleeful this fine evening!

A great deal of credit certainly belongs to the newly formed Space Camp Alumni Advancement Board.  Without them, this campaign would likely not have happened, and the Shuttle Training Aircraft might possibly be stuck at the Birmingham Airport for several more years!

Additionally, local Huntsville businesses provided support to the campaign and they are certainly due our thanks:

But obviously this couldn’t have happened without the help of the more-than 300 funders!  Well done, all!

STA Campaign: Inches Away

Space Camp Shuttle Training Aircraft Indiegogo Campaign LogoThe end is so close, in more ways than one.

There are only 3 days left to make a contribution to help land a Shuttle Training Aircraft at the Space & Rocket Center.

The total collected thus far stands at $57,848, a mere $12,152 away from the goal!  We’re almost there, and every little bit helps!

Recently, an exciting new perk was added.

For a $10,000 donation, you can fly with The Man Who’s Flown Everything, Robert “Hoot” Gibson!  That one donation alone, if you have the means, would get the Space Center very nearly to their goal, and provide you the donor with a tremendously exciting, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! covered the addition of this new perk as well, and the National Business Aviation Association recently featured a story on efforts to raise the funds.

At the $300 perk level, more astronauts have signed on to sign on!  In addition to the previously mentioned trio of Hoot Gibson, Steven Nagel, and Jim Halsell, L. Blaine Hammond and Owen Garriott will be signing the posters as well!

Three days left!  Please consider donating if you haven’t yet and are able to!

STA Campaign Passes Halfway Point; New Incentives; DC Meetup

Space Camp Shuttle Training Aircraft Indiegogo Campaign LogoWith 12 days left, the Space & Rocket Center’s first crowd funding campaign has surpassed the halfway point, currently standing at $35,851.  The final days shall no doubt be fast and furious, and there’s still time for you to get in on the action!

Take me up on the $5 of the $15 offer.  As of now, an anonymous donor is matching funds, so your $10 ($15 for the keychain, $5 back from me) can turn into $30 for the Space Center!

Go donate now!

You’re of course welcome to donate more, and three new incentive levels have been created:

First, for $75, you can get the STA patch by itself.  While the $250 level previously got you the STA patch and everything from the levels below it, this will get you the patch only.

Second, for $150, you can get the “STA Perk Combo,” netting you your choice of two of the following: STA Keychain, bumper sticker, poster, T-Shirt, or mission patch.

Finally, $300 will get upgrade your STA poster with autographs from various astronauts.  Astronauts Hoot Gibson, Steven Nagel, and Jim Halsell have currently all committed to signing, and more could be added before all is said and done!  Unlike the other two new levels, this $300 level will still get you all incentives less than $300 (but only one STA poster).

And if you’re going to be in the Washington D.C. area on April 24, you should get out to the Space Camp meet-up!  And bring a friend or two!  It will be a grand ol’ time!  Check out the Facebook Event for all of the details!



Moonbuggy, nay, Rover Challenge Today and Tomorrow!

NASA Rover Challenge LogoThe 21st annual Great Moonbuggy Race has been rechristened this year as the first annual Human Exploration Rover Challenge.

This event, jointly held by the U.S. Space & Rocket Center and NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center has seen several important new changes for this year.

While the moonbuggies previously had to fold up to fit within a 4’x4’x4′ cube, this year has seen the box extended by an extra foot in all directions, to five cubic feet.

An even larger change comes from a ban on inflatable tires.

If you can’t make it out to the Space Center, be sure to check in on the race on MSFC’s UStream channel, and/or follow their twitter feed.

Space Camp A-Go-Go

Space Camp Shuttle Training Aircraft Indiegogo Campaign LogoThe U.S. Space & Rocket Center is now halfway through their Indiegogo campaign.

Thirty days in, $28,046 has been raised thus far!

The bad news is, this is slightly off pace to meet the $70,000 goal.  The good news is, there’s still an entire month left!

If you have yet to donate, every little bit helps!

Even the $15 keychain level gets us $15 closer!  If just half-of-a-percent of Space Camp alumni went and made a $15 donation, we would have this in the bag!

With a month left to go, please go donate!

In fact, if you donate $15 or more, I will cover $5 of that!  Head on over to the Indiegogo campaign, make your pledge, and shoot me an email with your name and donation amount (so I can verify on the campaign page), and your preferred method for reimbursement (check, Paypal, Square Cash, Dwolla, etc.) and I’ll get you $5!

At $10 for the keychain, that’s really not much more than you would pay for such a thing in the gift shop.  This way, you get to be part of Space Camp’s first ever crowdfunding campaign as well, and help them get the Shuttle Training Aircraft on display!

Space Camp Fundraising

Space Camp isn’t the only group attending to raise funds for Space Camp!

Sadly, about 80 children from Canada may not be able to go on a planned trip to Space Camp.

Some of our friends from The Great White North were planning a trip to Space Camp when Experiential Education, the travel agency through which they booked the trip, suddenly went out of business.

Parents are now attempting to raise money to cover expenses for the children via a RocketHub fund raiser.

You can watch the video below, and/or read more about it from Global News and the St. Albert Gazette, and more information can be found on a facebook page created by some of the parents.

Let us all hope these kids are not robbed of the opportunity to go to Space Camp!  If you wish to help out, head on over to the RocketHub page!