Updated TCF Photos
Enjoy them, with many thanks to the “carrier pigeon” that brought them to us!
Enjoy them, with many thanks to the “carrier pigeon” that brought them to us!
Renovations to the Training Center Floor are almost complete, according to this press release from Space Camp. Among the improvements the TCF is seeing is a mock up of the International Space Station! A little further down the road are plans to enclose the TCF such that trainees on their… Continue reading
I reported a few days ago there were changes coming to ASA…the new program outline can be read here. They’ve changed the pilot track now…those in it will no longer be doing SCUBA. Instead, the pilots will go to Aviation Challenge for some additional training. I think this makes a… Continue reading
Long time visitors to Hab1.com may remember that in July 2001, I posted that the Enterprise sim and it’s MOCR would be receiving renovations that fall….And then everyone that came back from camp told me nothing had been done! Well, I’ve received word that Enterprise flight deck has just been… Continue reading
You really should think about actually applying! If you’ve been to Space Camp’s website recently, you may have seen a message stating there are currently 200 counselor positions available. …I waited a few days to see if it would change to 20 or something, but it hasn’t, and I guess… Continue reading
This just in! The Training Center Floor is currently undergoing some pretty major changes! Check out the pictures…notice any changes? (highlight below for the answer) Well, Columbia simulator has been completely dismantled (hence it’s not in these pictures anymore) and the Atlantis simulator has been rotated. Why, you may ask…well,… Continue reading
As no one around here, myself included, was really sure the fate of Space Camp Florida after the foreclosure of the Astronaut Hall of Fame and Space Camp Florida, I thought I would post an article I came across that pretty much spells it out. Space Camp Florida is dead…. Continue reading
An article in the Washington Post last week indicated that the prospect of another Space Camp opening up were quite possible in Prince George’s County, Maryland. The article cites a study currently underway to determine if a Space Camp there could be successful. If approved, a Space Camp along with… Continue reading
An intrepid HabForum user posted today word that Space Camp Florida may be forced to close its doors come September. Financial problems currently threaten both Space Camp Florida as well as the Astronaut Hall of Fame. The story made it to CNN.com and can be read here. I suppose the… Continue reading
Space Camp’s 20th Anniversary Celebration is still ongoing. If you happen to be in the vicinity of Titusville, Florida this Saturday, you can get tickets to have dinner with astronaut Jim McBride in honor of Space Camp’s 20th Anniversary. Tickets cost $60.00 each, with the event starting at 7:00pm and… Continue reading